Online Signup

Sign up online to allow us to build your site, without you having to meet us. This option is suitable if you are busy and cannot make time to see us. The form will take you through the required steps and once sent to us we shall follow up and get back to you.

Book Standup

Get a site and add a 25 minutes session with us in one of the prefered location to discuss how we can automate your business. Enter your site information so we can process your site in the mean time. Provide as much relevant information as you can and ensure required sections are filled.

Add On features

Sign up online to allow us to build your site and add a few features to make it better. The form will take you through the required steps and once sent to us we shall follow up and get back to you.

Form completed

Form canceled

Standup session

Site template

Click image below to enlarge template. Note: This will change your template selection as well.

Site content

Business information

Domain information

A business specific domain name is highly recommended so that people can access your web site e.g. A new domain name may take up to 3 days to propagate across the globe. If you choose to use your domain name, you must be able to point it to our server so that the site can be linked. If you don't have one or are unsure, your site will still be accessible through our server's sub domain. (Server information or sub domain will be given to business contact when site is ready.)

Check domain availability here Open in new window.


Stand up session: Your session timings will be confirmed once we process your form.
Template name:
Site title:
Sub title:
Home content:
About content:
Contact form text:
Contact form email:
Business name:
Business ABN:
Business contact name:
Business contact email:
Business call:
Business address:
Domain name:
Domain ownership: Use sub-domain
Add On content location:

Step 1 of 5